Discover how to permanently lose fat after 40, regain control of your health and feel like yourself again! 

If you’re a busy woman over 40, struggling with weight gain and nothing is working then this is for you!

NOTE: We are looking for 10 women over the age of 40 who want to lose stubborn kilos for good, without restrictive diets, spending hours in the gym, ordoing boring cardio.

Many of my clients tell me that after 40, the things that once worked to help them lose unwanted weight, simply don’t work anymore.

They feel frustrated, helpless and no longer in control of their bodies.

And the truth is — what worked for us in our 20s and 30s no longer works in our 40s, 50s and beyond. 

Often women will try to severely reduce their calories or add in loads of cardio to try to lose the extra kilos.

But that’s the worst thing we can do!

How do I know?

Because I see it every day and I've experienced it firsthand…

I’ve helped countless women lose stubborn weight and take back control of their bodies — without extreme diet and exercise regimens.

And if you’ve ever thought it’s impossible for you to lose weight….

That no matter what you try or how hard you work you just can’t get results...

Or that your age, your hormones or your metabolism are conspiring against you…

Then you’re in the right place.

Because you’re about to discover HOW you can get into the best shape of your life in your 40s and beyond…


❌ Restrictive dieting

❌ Spending hours in the gym

❌ Cutting out entire food groups or missing out on important social events

Instead, we’ll show you how simple and effortless it can be to feel confident and fulfilled...

With a stronger, leaner body…

Becoming the person you know you can be, all while enjoying the foods you love and still enjoying a social life!

It’s all down to our tried-and-tested methods that WORK for any woman aged 40 and beyond.

No fads, gimmicks or “quick fixes”...

Just the support, education and tools you need to easily make permanent changes.

But before I show you how, let me ask you…

Does Any Of The Following Sound Familiar?

You’ve tried everything! Diets, fasting, shakes, detoxes, keto, high-intensity exercise... The things that worked for you in your 20s and 30s simply no longer work - it’s frustrating and you feel like giving up!

You have no energy, you’re always fatigued, you don't have the motivation to do anything (even though you know what you should be doing).

If you do manage to lose a few kilos, the weight always piles back on after one or two bad meals. You want to be able to go out and enjoy yourself otherwise what the point? You constantly feel guilty about choices that are normal for everybody else.

You’ve yoyo dieted or suffered from emotional eating most of your life. You’re stuck in a cycle of losing weight and putting it back on again (plus interest). Maybe you've even told yourself, “this is it, I’ll be overweight forever”.

When you don’t see results it’s so easy to lose motivation and it restarts a vicious cycle of emotional eating, anxiety and depression. These feelings all skyrocket as you move further from your goals. It’s a rollercoaster of yoyo-ing and your weight is never stable.

You don’t have energy for the kids, your partner or work. You’d love to be able to do more with your family and friends but some days it feels like you’re dragging yourself through mud.

Your hormones are all over the place. You’re putting on weight in places you never used to - belly, back, arms. Maybe you’re peri-menopausal? Or perhaps you’ve already gone through menopause and things have never been the same. You’re not sure why — you just want your old body back!

If you can relate to even one of those points then we want you to know…

It's Not Your Fault

Look, there’s no denying it — your body has changed.

After 40 your hormones and your metabolism ARE different…

And because of that, the way we've always been told to lose fat - eat less and exercise more - no longer works for us in in our 40s, 50s and beyond.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t lose the stubborn kilos, tone up and feel incredible again.

Instead of trying the same things over and over again, we need a different approach that works WITH your body, not against it .

The problem is, almost every diet, fitness plan and personal trainer is letting you down.

And if you've tried and failed in the past to lose weight , it's probably because you've been given a program that’s not appropriate or sustainable for your body and hormones…

Which only screws up your metabolism, leads to binge eating, yoyo dieting and ultimately more weight gain (leading you to think YOU’RE the one who’s failed)…

The fact is, after 40 you need so much more than generic fitness advice and meal plans.

You need something that considers your unique circumstances, body and preferences.


Introducing: The VIP Project

This is NOT another cookie-cutter diet and exercise program.

We believe every woman deserves to be treated like a VIP so we take the time to get to know YOU and your unique needs, wants, goals and challenges

The VIP Project is a 24-week transformation program designed to help women over 40 lose weight sustainably and for LIFE... while building a strong body and mindset.

The program gives you the support, guidance and education you need to make permanent changes — without restrictive diets or gruelling workouts.

The VIP Project is not a quick-fix fad — it’s sustainable and enjoyable and it’s a strategy you can stick to for life (no more yoyo-ing).

Our unique approach has already helped many women take control of their health again…

Now it’s your turn.

It’s Never Too Late To Feel Healthy, Strong And Love Your Body 

Imagine waking up in the morning and loving what you see in the mirror, because you know you worked hard to create the strong, slim body you see in front of you…

Imagine having a whole new wardrobe to choose from because your favourite clothes that have been hiding in the back of your wardrobe now fit you again (and look amazing!).

And imagine having more energy to attack your day, and tick off your whole to-do list without having to resort to caffeine and sugar to push you through...

… being able to have fun with your partner, friends or kids without worrying about how you look or getting too tired to join in.

We give you the tools, education and support you need to achieve all of this and more.

So if you refuse to keep continuing as you are...

Tap the button below to apply to join us and get the help, support and guidance you deserve.

Join Today To Discover...

✔Why starving yourself and exercising excessively forces your body to store fat… and what to do instead (hint: eating your favourite foods is encouraged!)

✔ How to lose weight and keep it off for good, even if your hormones and metabolism are ‘working against you’

✔ The science behind your body, nutrition and exercise after 40 (Hint: what worked for you in your 20s and 30s no longer works in your 40s and beyond)

✔ How to find the right training routine for YOU and your body (our bespoke program takes all your needs and circumstances into account)

✔ Why it’s NEVER too late to create a happy and confident version of yourself that you love (we have women in their 50s tell us they look and feel better now than they did in their 30s).

✔ How to become strong, healthy, and fit without doing hours of cardio or stepping foot in a gym if you don’t want to.

✔ How to break free from the cycle of yoyo dieting, binge eating and feeling like a failure… and take control of your health and enjoy life.

✔ PLUS much, much more...

What You Get

A simple education course that gives you the tools to learn how to lose weight after 40 and keep it off - for life.

12 simple - but powerful - steps to help you take control of your weight, body and health — these easy-to-implement tasks are designed to create permanent changes in your body and mind so you can beat yoyo dieting and feel confident and in control.

Receive support from your dedicated coach every step of the way, so you never feel lost, overwhelmed or confused. This time in your life can be frustrating, lonely and disheartening. We’re here to guide you — both physically and mentally.

Join an empowering community of like-minded women, who are experiencing similar struggles to you. Many women say this is worth its weight in gold and have made lifelong friends in the group. Surround yourself with others going through the same things, who can lift you up and cheer you on.

A custom exercise plan for your unique body. Whether you enjoy the gym or want quick home-based workouts — you’ll get a plan that suits your preferences to build a strong body and mind for decades to come.

An enjoyable, sustainable, fully customised nutrition plan that’s as unique as you are. The goal is for you to NEVER need a diet plan again. You'll be guided on what foods to eat to help you lose fat and supercharge your energy after - no restrictive meal plans or complicated recipes - and NO foods are off limits.

Fortnightly 1-1 check in sessions with your coach to keep you accountable and on the right track!

Live group Q&A sessions every month

where you can ask questions, connect with other VIPs from around the country and get the support you deserve.

That's everything you need to build a healthy, strong, lean body and start to feel confident and fulfilled in your life.

To get started, simply click the “apply now” button below.

When you click the button you’ll be taken to a short and simple application form.

Complete the form, then pick a time for a chat with Amy, our head coach.

Your call is confidential and you won’t be pressured into anything. 

There’s absolutely no risk in applying. 

Click the button below now.

You've got two options:

Option 1

You close this page, continue as you are, stuck in a cycle of yoyo dieting — hating the way you look and feel…

You give up all together and accept that you’ll always be this way.

Maybe in a few weeks, months or even years you’ll feel frustrated as HELL that you didn’t grab this offer when you first saw it. 

There’s no guarantee that we’ll have space in the future. 

We only work with a select number of women at any one time to guarantee a high level of service and support.

Option 2

You take action, book a call with Amy where we'll go through your current challenges, goals and lifestyle and see if we'd be a good fit to work together.

These complimentary calls are super casual, there's no "hard sell", the goal is simply to find out if what we do can help - not to be too dramatic about it - change your life.

And if we don't think we can help - or you don't feel like we're a great fit? Then we'll part as friends - no hard feelings - and hopefully you'll at least have a few ideas of how you can reach your goals.

So what have you got to lose? Hit the APPLY button below and let's chat :-)

We look forward to speaking with you and helping you finally put an end to yoyo dieting to live a happy healthy life in your 40s and well beyond!


What is it you do again?

We teach women over 40 who are struggling with their weight and self-image how to shed the excess kilos and keep them off for GOOD.

We know that a successful program must be 

1. Effective, 

2. Enjoyable 

3. And, provide you with loads of support.

We will help you create a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. You’ll lose weight, but more importantly, you'll learn how to keep it off for the rest of your life.

What exactly do you help people with?

• Nutrition

• Motivation

• Mindset

• Accountability

• Your daily habits

• Overcoming emotional eating patterns

• Ongoing support

• Long-term, sustainable results, forever!

Who does this work for?

• Women with slow metabolisms

• Women who are time-poor

• Women experiencing menopause or peri-menopause

• Women looking to get stronger and look leaner and more toned

• Women who want to lose weight and ditch yo-yo dieting for good!


What are the benefits?

Big Benefits:

• Losing weight

• Regaining health

• Shaping your body

• Having more energy

More Subtle Benefits:

• Fit into your favourite clothes (you know, the ones in the back of the wardrobe) that you haven’t worn for years

• Feel more comfortable and confident in social situations

• Discipline in other areas of life such as finances and work

• Feel your intimate, private relationships improve.

• Feel a freedom you haven’t felt in years – to go places and do things you no longer thought possible

• Feel motivated to change other things about yourself that you had lacked the confidence to attempt before


As you can see from our testimonials, what we teach works. This isn’t hype or fluff, it’s proven by the results we get our clients.

It doesn’t matter what you have gone through, or how much failure, or little success you’ve had in the past. We have worked with all sorts of clients, each with their own unique situation.

We would love the opportunity and honour of helping you achieve your goals.

Let's get started!

What Our Clients Say

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